I would like to totally remove Beez20’s “we are volunteers” header header completely. For this reason, nothing needs to be added to or removed from override.css. Just edit two css files: personal.css, position.css and index.php as follows:

a) Locate the logoheader class in personal.css, and comment it like this: note the commented line in bold:

background: #0c1a3e URL(../images/personal/personal2.png)
no-repeat bottom right ;
/* min-height:200px;*/
margin:0em 10px 0 10px !important;

b) locate the logoheader class in position.css and comment it like this: note the commented line in bold:


c) locate this line inside index.php:

<h1 id="logo">

edit it like this:

<h1 id="logoXXX">

the reason is because we don’t want anything to reference it anymore. And as I do not intend to restore the header settings for this particular template, this block of code can either be commented out or even deleted:

<div class="logoheader">
<h1 id="logo">
php if ($logo): ?>
<img src="/&lt;?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/php echo
htmlspecialchars($logo); ?>"
alt="php echo htmlspecialchars($templateparams->get('sitetitle'));?>" />
php endif;?>
php if (!$logo ): ?>
php echo htmlspecialchars($templateparams->get('sitetitle'));?>
php endif; ?>
<span class="header1">
php echo htmlspecialchars($templateparams->get('sitedescription'));?>
div>-- end logoheader -->

My template now looks like this:

joomla beez20-4b

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