I got below error after trying to import a Kali-Linux appliance downloaded from the Kali Linux Virtual Images page
Error reading OVA '<dir here>/kali-linux-2019.2-vbox-i386.ova' (VERR_TAR_UNEXPECTED_EOS).
Result Code:
IAppliance {8398f026-4add-4474-5bc3-2f9f2140b23e}
To fix this, first extract the .ova content and then compress again as follows:
1) command: tar xvf filename.ova ....... where filename.ova is your downloaded .ova file. This commands extracts the contents of your .ova file, among which are 2-files used in the next command.
2) command: tar cvf newfilename.ova filename.ovf filename.vmdk... where
newfilename.ova is a new file-name for the .ova file to be comporessed;
filename.ovf and filename.vmdk are extract files from process#1 above.
Thats all folks, enjoy