Yahoo Mail: I'm infinitely pissed because of this infinitely scrolling thingy


Honestly, if Yahoo ever had a stupid idea they pitched to Yahoo Email users, it would be their recent infinitely scrolling option. As far as "organization" is concerned, did they really think every yahoo-email-user would enjoy infinitely scrolling through their emails?

Me-thinks a couple of questions should have been asked first, based on what users would usually want to do, simple questions such as:

1) does infinite-scrolling really add value to "user experience"? The new feature is an assumed "one-size-fits-all" which actually takes away the user's choice as far as his/her email-box is concerned. Rather than taking away previously available options, Yahoo should have added more "customization-able" options for the user to tinker with, which would contribute to the "value" the user is looking for.

2) I want to delete all emails on the current view/page, how can this be done with the infinite scrolling option? Its absolutely impossible. I'll have to manually tick-through each one of them just to avoid deleting my entire inbox - or hit the select-all button and hope it doesn't select mails below the bottom of my screen suppose I scrolled down first before deciding to delete some emails.

Formerly available options to list just a number of emails per page in the "Mail Options" / settings area have been removed, so infinite-scrolling is a big bad idea.

3) I have a bunch of read and unread mails. I scan through all my unread mails and realize I dont need them. If I sort my entire mail-box by unread mails, I would need to click through each of them just to select only the unread emails. If I tick the select-all box button at the upper-left top of the email-list window, it will select all my mails: read and unread, and hitting the "delete" button won't be a good idea.

So still, the infinite scrolling option is not a good idea.

So just in case you are as pissed as I am because of Yahoo Mail's new compulsory scrolling feature, this post is a piece of fresh air out of the dilema: ditch the classic email view and switch back to a basic-view:

1) Login to your yahoo email

2) Click the Gear-box at the upper-right hand corner, and then click "Mail Options"


3) On the Mail Options page, scroll down and find "Advanced Settings".

Click the "Basic" option(refer below).


Your new mail-box view now looks like this:



  1. to switch back to the new yahoo email, just click the "Switch to the newest Yahoo Mail" link above.
  2. Your email settings / account options are available under the pull down menu besides your name "profile" (upper right)


For the basic view, email-list per page(page-view) is available at 25-emails per page; and next-page / previous-page arrow links are available as well.

Unfortunately the select-all button is not available, so to delete all mails on a single page, you still have to click through each email.

Duh!, honestly, whats wrong with yahoo.

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